Tailbone pain is felt in or around the bony structure at the bottom of the spine called the coccyx. However, it can be experienced after sitting for a long time while driving, or cycling. Major causes of tailbone pain 

  • Overweight
  • Poor posture 
  • Joint hypermobility. 

In a nutshell, it is caused by a long-term strain on the coccyx. Let’s dive deeper into ways to strengthen the tailbone, and how to lessen pain. 

How do you relieve tailbone pain?

Tailbone pain can last from a few days to weeks. The ways to lessen the pain are listed below:

  • Apply an Ice pack on the affected area it helps to relieve pain.
  • Lean forward and do some stretches. 
  • Rest for a while when you feel pain.
  • Use soft cushions. 

How can I strengthen my tailbone?

Some exercises help to strengthen the entire spine and tailbone. It may provide some relief for people experiencing extravagating pain. You can perform these stretches

  • Knees to chest
  • Seated hip stretch
  • Standing hamstring stretch
  • Seated spinal twist
  • Knee to the opposite shoulder

These exercises decrease muscle tension, and compression on nerves and improve posture. A person should do each exercise to the extent that is pain-free and stop immediately if they experience pain. 

What aggravates tailbone pain?

Tailbone pain gets worse while sitting on a hard surface or leaning against the wall. It gets worse with transitional movements from sitting to standing or vice versa. Because these movements put more pressure on the affected area.  

How do you adjust your tailbone?

Appropriate clinical management for tailbone pain requires that any misalignment in the spine must be repositioned to its correct position before other considerations as spinal misalignment is the root cause of tailbone pain in about 90 percent of the cases. KKT treatment ensures that this repositioning of the spine is done effectively, precisely, and accurately and plays an important role in stimulating the connective tissues of the spine to endorse the regeneration of cells. Along with KKT treatment, lifestyle modifications are important to regaining optimal health.

Necessary lifestyle modifications.

These lifestyle modifications include sleeping on a comfortable, but firm mattress preferably on any side with knees bent, and keeping a pillow or cushion underneath or between your knees. You will normally find out by yourself that sleeping on one side is more comfortable and relaxing than on the other side. Try to sleep on the side which gives more comfort and relaxation. Adjust the heights of your chairs in a way that your feet are flat on the floor and your knees are a bit higher than the hips. Keep your feet flat on the floor and do not cross your legs while chairs have firm back support and sit straight against the back of the chair. 

Make an appointment.