MRI gives us a detailed picture of what’s going on inside a human body without any use of radiation unlike X-rays or CT Scan. This helps the doctor in deciding your diagnosis for the disease and also gives the patient an idea of his/her progress in the journey...
A good posture is the one that puts minimum strain on your muscles and ligaments. When you are sitting, standing, sleeping and walking. You should train your body to learn these positions, so that your back stays happy and healthy. Defining Good Posture ...
Back pain is highly common. Not just oldies but youngsters are also suffering from this agony. Slipped disc or car accidents are not the only causes, there are lots of other reasons that include the simple everyday activities. Bending in a wrong way ...
You might have seen our elders using the heating pads or hot water bottles whenever they are suffering from pain. This is a sort of classic method for treating lower back pain. Heat therapy involves the proper temperature of heat which is known as warm, which means...
Lower back pain is experienced by us on a daily basis. We come home from a long hard day at work and our backache is just too much to handle. Our solution to end this back pain is to put some ice on it, or a hot water bottle and pop in some panadol to make us feel...
Back pain caused by pregnancy is quite common. As the baby grows inside your body, the discomfort increases as the months go on. The weight changes and hormonal changes in your body contribute highly to your back pain. This affects your posture and puts a strain on...