About 40% of people experience sciatica at some point in their lives. 

Understanding the sciatica pain causes is important for both prevention and treatment. It enables individuals to make lifestyle changes that minimize the risk of developing sciatica. Additionally, it helps healthcare professionals create a treatment plan based on the specific underlying causes, which is more effective for pain management and recovery.

What is sciatica?

Sciatica is discomfort that occurs when a sciatic nerve is compressed. The sciatic nerve is the longest nerve root that starts from the lower back and runs down the back of each leg. Two sciatic nerves on each side of the body run down from the hip towards the legs and split into other nerves beneath the knee. Sciatica is a common condition described as pain felt in the leg but coming from the lower back. 

The sciatic nerve is responsible for the muscles and movement of the lower body. It also controls reflexes and sensations of the thighs and legs. Sciatic nerve pain is intense but does not last long. 

Potential Causes of Sciatica

Sciatica can occur from lifting heavy weights, poor posture, blood clots, sitting in awkward positions, and obesity, which can compress the nerve. Other health conditions, such as herniated discs, spondylolisthesis, and spinal stenosis, can contribute to developing sciatic pain. Prolonged sciatic pain can worsen the situation and even result in nerve damage. 

How Herniated Disc Cause Sciatica?

Herniated disc frequently causes sciatica. It can irritate the sciatic nerve root. The pressure on one or several nerves of the sciatic nerve often feels like a burning ache, and a person feels a tingling sensation, numbness, and pain that radiates from the buttock to the legs. Usually, one side of the leg is affected, and it also causes lower back pain. In the case of acute sciatica, the pain in the leg is worse than in the lower back. Risk factors include

  • Obesity
  • Fall
  • Injury
  • Sedentary Lifestyle 

How is Spinal Stenosis Associated with Sciatica? 

When spinal stenosis develops, the canal becomes clogged and narrow, compressing the nerve. The narrowing of the canal might impinge the sciatic nerve root, resulting in pain, irritation, and inflammation. It also causes pain in the legs, buttocks, and lower back. Therefore, sciatica is one of the symptoms of spinal stenosis. The causes of this condition are

  • Bone spurs
  • Thickening of ligaments
  • Spinal injuries

Spinal stenosis can occur anywhere in the spine, but it primarily affects the lumbar region. Osteoarthritis is a primary cause of spinal stenosis, causing wear and tear of bones and bone spurs, which can compress the sciatic nerve. 

Degenerative Disc Disease

As we age, degenerative disc disease becomes inevitable. Bones undergo some wear and tear due to the aging process. The vertebral discs dry out, causing them to become fragile, less flexible, and compressed. This is one of the major causes of herniated discs, but sometimes, it can impact nerve roots by compressing nearby nerves, resulting in sciatica. 

This condition cannot be prevented, but lifestyle modifications can lower the risk of degenerative disc disease, such as

  • Correct weight-lifting techniques
  • Maintaining healthy weight 
  • Intake of nutrients through diet
  • Quit smoking

Spondylolisthesis and Sciatic Nerve Compression 

Spondylolisthesis is when vertebrae slide out of their position onto the bone below them. If this shift compresses the sciatic nerve root, it results in sciatica.

It is caused by degeneration, trauma, or congenital disabilities. It can occur in the lumbar or cervical spine and causes persistent back and neck pain, numbness in extremities, sensory loss, and compressed nerves. During physical examination, a person might complain about severe back pain during arching into extension, as it can irritate facet joints. 

Piriformis Syndrome

The Piriformis muscle is a muscle underneath the sciatic nerve root. When this muscle compresses the sciatic nerve root, it causes piriformis syndrome. This rare condition only affects about 0.3-6% of people. Its symptoms include burning, aching, shooting pain, and numbness in the legs. The causes of piriformis syndrome are

  • Muscle Spasms
  • Scarring muscle 
  • Inflammation 

Piriformis syndrome is challenging to diagnose because it cannot be detected with MRI and CT scans. So, the physician will assess the symptoms by performing a detailed examination and fetching the medical history of injuries and the specific movement that causes pain. 

Trauma and Injury

Injury due to a fall or trauma can directly cause sciatica. In this case, a person might injure the nerve themselves, or a bone fragment from a fracture can irritate the sciatic nerve. Sports injury, hip dislocation, or pelvic fracture can irritate sciatic nerve roots, causing traction-induced sciatica traction injury of the sciatic nerve at various levels of the sciatic nerve path. 

Tumors and Infections

Spinal tumors are rare, but if it is developed in the lumbar region, then there is a risk of nerve compression, which can ultimately cause sciatica. 

Tumors are abnormal cell growths. There are two types of tumors: malignant (cancerous) and benign. Benign tumors form in the spine, whereas malignant tumors develop elsewhere in the body and spread to the spine. Benign tumors that can compress nerves are

  • Aneurysmal Bone cysts are filled with blood and expand.
  • Giant cell tumor tends to attack bones that are closed to facet joints.
  • Osteoid osteomas are tumors of bone that are usually small but can form a new unintended bone in the affected area. 

It is advised to consult a doctor if you experience symptoms of sciatica along with problems in urinating or blood in urine and progressive weight loss. 

Lifestyle and Home Remedies

If you know that an injury or pregnancy causes sciatica, you only need to treat it with home remedies and an active lifestyle. Heat or cold packs ease the pain and reduce inflammation. You must not bind yourself to the bed. You can go on bed rest for the initial days, but try to begin movements as soon as possible. 

Exercise and Stretching

The most effective way to deal with sciatica pain causes is to perform exercises that involve hip movement to ease nerve compression. Tightening muscles and pinched nerves can cause debilitating sciatica pain. Sciatica-specific exercises can remove tension and improve flexibility, ultimately reducing pain. 

  • Hamstring stretch 
  • Glute stretch
  • Knee-to-opposite shoulder stretch 
  • Sitting spinal stretch
  • Piriformis stretch


Maintain proper posture at work and home. Switch to ergonomic furniture. Sitting for extended hours is good for nothing. It only excruciates sciatic pain. 

  • Take frequent breaks while sitting for long hours. 
  • Place a cushion behind your back to support the spine.
  • Lift heavy weights with proper technique.
  • Use your leg muscles, not your back muscles. 

KKT Treatment

KKT provides noninvasive and nonsurgical treatment to diagnose sciatica pain and its causes. It is a revolutionized form of re-aligning the spine to its normal position using noninvasive sound waves. This treatment method helps to ease the pain and release pressure on the sciatic nerve, providing long-lasting relief. 

This spinal re-alignment reduces nerve pressure by relieving compressed nerves at various levels and promotes overall spinal health. 

To learn more about sciatica causes and noninvasive treatment schedule your appointment with our expert orthopedic consultants onboard. 


Sciatica is a nerve compression that causes pain in the leg, hips, and lower back. In about 90% of cases, a herniated disc is a primary cause of sciatica. It is often associated with tingling sensation and numbness. Warning signs of sciatica are sudden weight loss, inability to walk, loss of sensation, and bladder incontinence, and a person experiencing these symptoms requires medical attention. Fortunately, sciatica can be managed without surgical procedures. Even chronic symptoms are also treatable, and surgery isn’t necessary. A person can return to his everyday pain-free life. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

What is the leading cause of sciatica pain?

A herniated disc or excessive bone growth is the leading cause of sciatica.

Why does sciatica pain occur?

Sciatica pain typically arises when the sciatic nerve is irritated or compressed.

What causes sciatica?

The main cause of sciatica is compression of the sciatic nerve, which can result from a herniated disc, degenerative disease, spinal stenosis, spondylolisthesis, or injuries.

Does stress cause sciatica?

Yes, stress can cause sciatica by leading to inflammation that puts pressure on the sciatic nerve.

What foods trigger sciatica?

Processed foods and foods high in saturated fats, such as red meat, can cause inflammation and trigger sciatica. 

What activities cause sciatica?

Prolonged sitting with poor posture, heavy lifting with improper technique, high-impact exercises, and sudden twisting of the lower back can cause sciatica.

Is sciatica a nervous problem?

Yes, sciatica is a nerve-related issue because it directly involves the sciatic nerve.

Why do I have sciatica?

If you are obese, have underlying medical conditions like a herniated disc or spinal stenosis, or lead a sedentary lifestyle, you are at risk of sciatica.

Can a herniated disc cause sciatica?

Yes, a herniated disc is a leading cause of sciatica.

Can obesity be a one of sciatica pain causes?

Obesity places additional pressure on the spinal nerves, which can lead to sciatica.