Effect of mobile phone usage before bedtime.

Effect of mobile phone usage before bedtime.

Mobile phones are an addiction nowadays, and we don’t mind sacrificing our sleep to scroll on social media apps. We often promise ourselves an early sleep and end up scrolling on our mobile phones until morning. There are numerous effects of using a phone at night. ...
Wrist pain: Causes Tips and Treatment

Wrist pain: Causes Tips and Treatment

What is Wrist Pain? Wrist pain can be caused by various illnesses and accidents that affect the wrist. With some rest and therapies, the majority of wrist pain cases get better on their own and do not require treatment.  It is a pain or discomfort in any of your wrist...
How Can I Prevent Degenerative Disc Disease?

How Can I Prevent Degenerative Disc Disease?

Degenerative disc disease– abbreviated as DDD is caused by wear and tear in vertebral discs. However, it is a normal part of aging. Furthermore, spinal discs act as shock absorbers and help to move and bend. Unfortunately, with time these discs undergo some...