Most of us suffer from back pain usually the lower back pain but to find the right sort of solution is sometimes not that easy. Exercise is known to be an effective procedure to sooth the pain and to remove weakness and laziness from your lifestyle. Many people usually search the exercises that they can perform at home in order to manage the lower back pain. But before actually selecting and performing a particular sort of exercise, you need to be very careful. It is best to consult a physical therapist first.
Which type of exercise is better you really depends on what is causing your pain. Following are types of lower back pain exercises known as Williams Flexion exercises and McKenzie Extension exercises which will help you to determine whether they are meant for your pain or not.

Williams Flexion Exercises for Lower Back Pain

This includes the flexion technique which is actually the forward bending of spine. This is based on stretches that flatten the lumbar spine. Dr. Paul Williams developed the flexion exercise program in 1937. He thought that the inward arch in lumbar spine is the primary cause of chronic lower back pain. Hence, people suffering from exaggerated lumbar arches can get help from flexion exercises.
Muscle imbalance and weak abdominal along with tight lower back muscles result in joint pain and posterior disc pressure. To restore balance and strengthen abdominal, Williams flexion exercises are quite effective.

Pelvic Tilt: With bent knees and flat feet, lie on your back. Remember to choose a firm surface. Arms should be relaxed next to your sides. Pull your bellybutton back toward your spine and press your lower back into the ground. Your lower half of abdomen muscles should be tight. Keep in mind, not to hold breath. Hold this for 5 to 10 seconds and relax. Repeat for almost 15 minutes.


Knee to Chest Stretches: These stretches are best to improve lower back flexibility. To perform this, choose a firm surface and lie on your back. Bring your knee in toward your chest by bending one leg. Gently pull knee in closer to your body by reaching around your knee with both hands. Hold this position for 5 to 10 seconds and afterwards relax. This stretch should be repeated up to 15 times on each leg.

Hamstring Stretch: To improve the flexibility of muscles along back of your thighs, hamstring stretch is effective. To perform this, sit. Place both legs out in front of you. Toes should be pointed toward the ceiling and keep knees straight. Use your both hands to reach forward toward toes until a stretch along the back of your legs is felt. Hold this almost 5 seconds and repeat for 10 times.

Squat: Squat is best for strengthening hip muscles. For doing this, stand up. The distance between your feet is shoulder-width apart. Remember to look straight. Squat down as far as it is easy for you. While doing this, keep your feet flat on floor. For improving balance, hold your arms out in front of you. Hold this for almost 5 seconds then stand back up. Repeat this for almost 10 times.

McKenzie Exercises for Lower Back Pain

McKenzie method is effective for posterior disc bulging or herniation. With the help extension exercises, the pressure is enhanced on posterior portion of spinal discs. This pressure reduces disc bulging. The people who are suffering from joint problems should not perform these exercises.

Prone Lying and Prone Props: Prone lying static and prone lying in extension, these two terms are quite valuable in prone lying lower back pain relief step. The sudden onset of acute of back pain or sciatica can be treated simply lying flat on stomach. You need to relax while doing this. Afterwards, move to prone props. For performing this, lie on stomach and prop up on elbows. Take deep breaths and relax.

Low Back Side Glide Exercise for Sciatica: For performing this, stand perpendicular to wall. Your feet should be placed together. Keep the distance of 1 to 2 feet from the wall. Tuck your elbow into your ribcage by leaning your shoulder against the wall. Afterwards, place hands against pelvis and press hips towards wall. Do it gently. You will feel like pelvis is gliding underneath your ribs. When you perform the repetitions, monitor the symptoms of centralization.

Standing Lumbar Extension: Lumbar extension in standing can be performed anywhere. It is best for preventing the future back problems. To perform this, stand up. Your feet should be shoulder-width apart. Place your hands on your back. Bend your spine backward as far as it is possible for you. Do it slowly. Hold this position for a while and then return to full upright position. Repeat this for 10 times.

Seated Lumbar Flexion Exercise: Seated lumbar extension can be performed by sitting on chair. Bend forward slowly and reach towards the floor. After being fully bent, grab your ankles and pull while giving back gentle over-pressure. Return to first position in slow way. Repeat this for 10 times.

KKT Pakistan Treats the Pain!

Sometimes, exercise is that effective as it seems to be. You need to find a proper solution that can treat your lower back pain with ease. KKT orthopedic spine center gives you the non-invasive treatment which does not involve any medication or surgery. It has centers in 3 different cities of Pakistan called Lahore, Karachi and Islamabad. You can book your appointment anytime you want.