Neck pain is discomfort that originates in the neck, and it can radiate down into the arms. There are several potential causes for neck pain, including disorders affecting the tissues, ligaments, and nerves. Individuals within the age group of 30-50 are at a higher...
Introduction to Neck Pain Preventions It isn’t easy to imagine a day without smartphones, tablets, and laptops in today’s digital age. While these devices have greatly enhanced our lives, they also have new health concerns. One such issue is “tech...
Neck pain is the 4th leading cause of disability, with a 30% prevalence rate. Adults are affected mainly by neck pain, with a percentage of 29% of men and 40% of women. Neck pain is commonly increasing these days, with a considerable impact on the personal and...
Experiencing neck pain and finding a proper neck pain treatment to address this common issue is taking a toll these days. Neck pain is caused by excessive technology use today. Many of us scroll through social media while lying in bed, and then the next morning, we...
Have you ever woke up feeling tired, restless, or experiencing tension in your shoulders and neck? If so, you’re not alone; millions of people around the world share this experience. The reasons for this discomfort can vary depending on an individual’s...
There are two types of spinal stenosis: cervical (neck) and lumbar (lower back) stenosis. Cervical stenosis is a common cause of neck pain. Bone spurs begin to grow on the vertebrae of the neck and joints of those vertebrae, causing the spinal canal passageway to...