Sciatica Treatment
Sciatica is pain that radiates through the path of sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve is the longest nerve of the body. Its route start from the spinal cord to the buttock and hip area and then it runs down the back of each leg. It usually occurs as an outcome of irritation or compression to the nerve such as from a bulged, prolapsed or a herniated disk. It is a relatively common form of low back and leg pain.

Spinal disc herniation or spinal stenosis resulting from spinal asymmetry presses on one of the lumbar or sacral nerve roots and is the primary cause of sciatica, being present in about 90% of cases. The disease is caused by pressure from a disc herniation and spinal steosis can spontaneously subside if the causative spinal asymmetry is corrected healing the tear in the disc and ceasing the pulposus extrusion and inflammation.
The sciatic nerve runs through, or under the piriformis muscle. When the muscle gets shortened or spasmed due to trauma or overuse, it causes compression of the sciatic nerve referring to as piriformis syndrome. Piriformis syndrome causes the disease when the nerve root is normal. Sciatica may also occur during pregnancy because of the weight of the fetus pressing on the sciatic nerve during sitting or during leg spasms. Trauma to the spine, such as from a car accident, causes spinal mis alignment and can lead to sciatic disease.
Signs and symptoms
Signs and symptoms of sciatica include pain through the path of the sciatic nerve i.e. from low back to buttock and then back of thigh and calf, muscle weakness or numbness throughout the nerve pathway in leg or foot, pins –and – needles like feeling or tingling sensations in toes or part of foot and decreased muscle mass in calf or thigh. In certain cases, there may be pain in one part of leg and numbness in another. In severe cases, bladder or bowel control is lost.
KKT Diagnosis
Sciatica is diagnosed by history, detailed physical examination and 3D spine X rays. Generally if a person reports the typical radiating pain in one leg as well as one or more neurological indications of nerve root tension or neurological deficit, the disease can be diagnosed. The most applied diagnostic test is the straight leg raise which is positive in about 90% of the affected ndividual. Canadian Certified KKT Orthopedic Surgeon may ask for imaging tests such as computerized tomography or magnetic resonance imaging to help diagnosing lumbar disc herniation or spinal stenosis causing the disease.
KKT Treatment
Appropriate clinical management of Sciatica needs that the spine should be repositioned to its correct position before other considerations as spinal misalignment is the root cause for sciatic pain in about 90 percent of the cases. KKT treatment ensures that this repositioning of the spine is done effectively, precisely and accurately and plays an important role in stimulating the connective tissues of spine to endorse regeneration of cells. Along with KKT treatment, life style modifications are of key importance to regain the optimal health.
These life style modifications include sleeping on a comfortable, but firm mattress preferably on any side or back with knees bent and keeping a pillow or cushion underneath or between your knees. You will normally find out by yourself that sleeping on one side is more comfortable and relaxing than the other side. Try to sleep on the side which gives more comfort and relaxation. Adjust the heights of your chairs in a way that your feet are flat on the floor and knees are a bit higher than the hips. Try to keep your feet flat on the floor and do not cross your legs during sitting. Sit in the chairs that have firm back supports and sit straight against the back of the chair.
If you feel you are suffering from Sciatica book your appointment today to avail the best non-invasive solution.

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